Sunday, January 25, 2015

January || A glimpse into 2015

|| J A N U A R Y ||
Not only is it the first month of the new year, but it's my month (birthday that is). The month that I grow older and wiser. 2014 was quite the year for me, from graduating, to starting my first 'big kid' job, changes good and bad, frustrating battles, to many many more memories.
With so many goals to accomplish this year, I'm excited and pleased to say that the beginning of the year has already been so good to me. As a believer in good feelings bring you good things & I can happily share that what glimpse of 2015 I've experienced is one I'm liking. The year has already delivered so much love, friendship, determination, growth, overwhelming joy and pure bliss. So 2015, I welcome you with open arms.

xo misskait
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