Sunday, November 28, 2010

I am thankful for...

soo many wonderful things.  What a fun weekend that definitely went by way too fast.  So here are some things that I am thankful for

My family:
Mom, Dad, Siss, dogs, and yes the cat! They are absolutely amazing and the best. Without them I don't know where I would be today.  I have the best parents on this earth they have inspired me in school, hobbies, and much more I love them so much!
Kelsie, well she is definitely the best little sister ever! She makes me laugh, cry, scream, smile, and she is always there to make me feel better whenever I need it.  Not only is she a sister she is wonderful friend! I trust her with so much and am so thankful to have her in my life.

My love:
Daniel, he is such a sweet guy and through the 2 years we have been together we have made so many great and lasting memories.  Even though like all relationships we have had our ups and downs, that doesn't stop us because we truly love each other.  We have so much fun together just goofing off and being silly and dorky, but it's the times like those that I know I will remember forever and ever.
Thanks babe for everything and loving me for who I am. Love you xoxo

My Bestfriend:
Ava Marie Rosenfeld, you are the best girl in the world.  Thankfully we have stayed best friends since we were dancing in diapers practically.  To clarify at the young age of 3 we met dancing our little tails off!  She is always there for me and knows exactly how to cheer me up.  Through thick and thin she is the bestest friend anyone could have and I love her to death.

So those are the people I'm thankful for, and this weekend is what inspired this blog post!
Did you think about what you were thankful for? If not spend the time to, it's worth it.



BECKY MAY said...

lovely blog :)



MissKait said...

thank you <3